Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I was told by somebody...

...that for the good of my mental health and to help lower my anger and anxiety, I should be "sucking people off" online, kissing people's butts and agreeing with everything they say 100% of the time. She said that if you can't beat them, join them.

Honestly, I do need to get over 1up's treatment of me. I should be happy that the site has become a shell of itself. Instead, I'm acting as if it's NeoGAF or GameFaqs and is the biggest video game website around.

The people at 1up are not the nicest people around when provoked judging from the angry responses I've received. They don't have any compassion for the mentally ill and make fun of the teeth my dentists say are strong. They don't believe me when the dentists say I'll take them to the grave. I've gone to five dentists and they refused to whiten them, put braces or do anything because they are strong and healthy and will never fall out. I agreed with them and didn't do any cosmetic repair to them but everybody makes fun of them online and it bothers me.

You know, all I did was say the truth about the Xbox 360 and call out Aaron B. for asking for attention. I wasn't saying anything false. Then, the last few months I've been waging this war because the people were rude and unfriendly over me saying it like it is. Someone with mental issues is going to react when people make incendiary comments to me. I'm not normal. I'm a mental case. When people mock me over my mental health and my teeth, it's only adding more fuel to the fire. They are baiting me and they know it,

I know everybody likes going online and getting into flame wars but after hearing about my friend Peter and his seizures the last few days over stress and frustration, I can't do it any more. I don't want to go through what he went through. I'm sick of the fighting, the threats, the insults, the baiting, all of it. It's going to kill me.

Expecting professional behavior from 1up from my act was expecting too much. It's always been one of the more rougher video game sites when it comes to making friends in their community. Someone opinionated can't survive there. I will need to accept it as it is and adjust. Be like everybody else and remain positive 100%. I have to learn that, not just there, but at any other volatile environment.

I'm very sorry for anything I said. You probably won't believe me and I don't blame you. I will have to earn people's trust. After what happened to my friend, I've seen the light. I don't want to fight anybody any more. I just want some people to play video games with on the PS3, PC and maybe the Wii U and 360. I need people to talk with online about video games and the world.

The Brian Ghattas of old is going to be a thing of the past. The new Brian Ghattas is going to be somebody who won't fly off the handle over name-calling, sarcasm or video game fanboyism. The new me will accept people for who they are. No more racial or sexist slurs, no more crude insults and swearing and no more threats of beating them up. I'm going to be positive from now on, even if the old me tries to fight it.

It's time for me to grow up online and act my age, for my sake.

Again, I am truly sorry for my comments and behavior. I want to earn your trust and friendship by doing the right thing for myself and everybody else.

I will be removing all offending blogs and videos and will bury the hatchet with 1up. I want to make peace.

Thank you,
Brian Ghattas


  1. Brian, if you are sincerely mentally ill then please accept my honest apologies. I just thought you were a bitter dude with an axe to grind. Had I truly believed that you were mentally ill I'd never have engaged you in the first place. That's not my style.

    Anyway dude, good luck with things going forward. Just keep your attitude positive. I promise you that it'll change your life, man, no joke.

  2. As long as you're committed to stopping the attacks, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    1. I am committed, Andrew. It isn't doing me and anybody any good. I don't want to my anger to kill me.

      I am truly sorry for my comments towards you, Andrew.

    2. You know, Brian, you have interesting things to say and a good knowledge of classic gaming, which is a subject that I and many others enjoy talking about. In fact, I remember that you used leave good comments on my blogs back in the day. There was nothing "ass-kissing" or anything like that about them, they were just good comments.

      I don't worry about disagreements as long as it's done respectfully. I like hearing well-reasoned arguments because a lot of times I learn things I didn't know before, or see things in a different way.

      Keep it civil, and you'll go a long way, disagreements or not.

  3. Thank you, Daniel. I am truly sorry for my behavior towards you. The axe has been thrown into the river, never to return.

    1. It's all good, Brian. I really do hope that things improve for you, man.

      If you don't mind, I think I'd like to keep an eye on your blog from time to time to see how you're doing.

  4. Brian: I never had anything against you. I never hated you and I was honestly fighting with you out of loyalty to friends. If you truly are trying to change, that's great, I'm happy for you and I wish you all the best.
    Tbh, I thought you were just a troll, and I was just trying to out troll you. I meant nothing by my comments, I was just trying to win an argument.
    I honestly do like some of the things you write, they are entertaining and you do have a unique writing voice that could be used to great effect if you ever tried to hone your gaming journalism craft.
    Honestly, I can be as opinionated and as much of a jerk as you can be, so as I said before, if you're willing to try and change, it's water under the bridge.
    Also, I don't ever expect you to agree with anything I say. If you disagree with me, by all means argue your point. I enjoy it. I enjoy hearing another person's opinion, and I enjoy the possibility of being wrong because it can be quite an educational experience.
    As I've said countless times before in this comment, I bear no grudge. Good luck with your new attitude man!

    1. Well, you did agree with me on the state of 1up. My behavior was childish and dumb and I'm very sorry. I think you didn't take it too seriously, though. Flame wars can be fun but I took it too far on my side of the field. I understand you want to write and that's fine. Just do it outside on occasion, even if Tamworth is always warm all year-round.

    2. BTW, I did not create another account to attack anyone today. That was not me. I said I buried the hatchet and meant it.

    3. Ok Brian. I believe you. I do go outside occasionally. It's been a bit too hot lately though, so I've been inside in the cool. And I took it further man. Don't feel guilty man, I took it quite far too, with incest jokes and what not. And I don't really live in tamworth atm, I'm in Armidale for college. It's not as hot here.
      Btw, I have a writing gig with plus10damage now, so hopefully some things will be published on Tuesday.
      And Aww. I was hoping it was you. Your troll attacks do amuse me lol. Still, it's great that you're sticking with this new attitude.
      P.S. I hope I'm not kissing your ass too much :p

  5. No one ever said you couldn't have a negative opinion on was the way you went about it that rubbed people the wrong way.If you had just given your opinion without all the "ecock sucking" and other insults would have gotten you a lot further.Instead it made you come across as a Troll and we responded the same way we do to all trolls.
