Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Interlude: Sadness

I often wonder why so many men in the 21st century are proud to be weak and cowardly pussies. I grew up believing men were the superior sex. Men ran this world, men were the ones accomplishing our greatest feats, fighting our wars and creating the innovations that made for a better world.

Nowadays, men are scared to death to fight, afraid to talk things over and are simply happy to hang out on message boards with like-minded people and act like total women.

How do these "men" look at themselves in the mirror each morning. Is there no shame in being a cowardly wuss? When was it O.K. to act like this?

That there are people frightened of me is sad. Imagine if I were 6'9 285 lbs and I was looking to pound them into hamburger. I'm an average guy and there are gutless cowards who fear me. It shows how weak-minded, weak-willed and afraid they are. They were cowards as kids, cowards now and cowards forever.

It makes me embarrassed to be a man to see my gender full of stereotypical "girls". The women have more guts, determination and "balls" than we do. They are doing what we used to do while the men are the ones gossiping on lame message boards about trivial shit.

This has to change and fast.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


I want to answer the few angry people who have issues with my comments.

I know many no-life Liberals love spending 18 hours a day online, finding any argument to pick on. Ryan Davis' entire fanbase were made up of Bleeding Heart Liberals. Much like no one here wants to admit they are gay when they accuse somebody of homophobia, people like A.J. Lynn also refuse to admit they are liberals.

You guys are doing a very poor job of hiding your allegiances.

I am aware that many young men are into bromances. They had a online bromance with Ryan Davis. They love hugging men and being affectionate in a non-sexual way, I'm certain the people outraged by me didn't like my imagery. However, there's really no other way to put it. You want me to call it male bonding or bromancing the bro? Just doesn't sound right to me. I'm from the old school. I don't hug men or tell them personal things. That's what women are for. None of my male friends think bromances are cool. None of us are 22, though. I have no desire of hugging 300 lb men who smell like BBQ sauce, either.

I'm not a liberal, nor do I support the liberalism I find online. These people are hypocrites. They will preach how much they support gays, African Americans and affirmative action and then not follow up. I loathe it.

If a life of lying and deceit is what you call honesty, that's sad. I'm honest, at least. Ryan Davis was a jerk, crude and rude and didn't care for you or his own well-being. Just because you think otherwise doesn't make me wrong. It's an opinion.

Nobody here showed any professionalism. You all showed how much you were influenced by this big fat joke. I dare you to tell it to my face that I'm wrong. I won't be afraid to tell it like it is but I know these Internet badasses wouldn't have the guts.

By the way, many of you would be perfect for the NGR Thug Mansion. They need some fresh blood. Go to ngrthugmansion.com and ask if you can join. See for yourself what I tried to tolerate.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Ryan Davis

Heard the news that Ryan Davis, the former Gamespot editor and Giant Bomb co-founder, died over the weekend.

He had recently gotten married and probably was still on his honeymoon at the time. He was 34.

Every video game website out there probably wishes me to show sympathy for his widow and to mourn his death on their news story about him.

I can't.

I felt the guy was a joke as a video game journalist. Nor did I think he was funny. He was just another obnoxious, untalented and morbidly obese man who jerked off to the Microsoft brand. He was the epitome of the so-called video game journalism that makes my hobby come off as a huge joke.

One time on Twitter (when I was experimenting with it), I asked him how he had more followers than FOX and NFL Network analyst Charles Davis and he claimed he had more talent than Charles and added that I was "a nasty piece of shit". Of course, he's not the first rude "video game journalist" I encountered online.

While everybody else who loves to eat/drink/sleep video games masturbates figuratively about how great Ryan Davis was and how he was this great human being, I won't. Seeing all these people weeping for him makes me embarrassed to be a video gamer.

Bottom line: poor journalist, unfunny, obnoxious and not the nice guy that the misguided, weak-minded and ignorant types that represent video gamers today think he was. I mourned for Matt Borne. I mourned for Ray Manzarek. I won't be mourning for Ryan Davis. He's just another human being who died today.

I don't know why so many people worshiped this guy. Just more proof of our rotting civilization and the basement dwellers of the world who will do nothing to reverse it.