Wednesday, October 30, 2013

An announcement regarding MikeDranger.

I want to apologize to MikeDranger:

Tubby here is apparently straight as an arrow and not a homosexual.

How do I know this?

His new girlfriend put up a video of herself on DailyMotion and wants everybody to know how much she loves her 300 lbs. of man goo and how much she loves her own 300 lbs of woman goo. Here is Tiffany:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Katy Perry

This woman is driving me up the wall. Her horrendous music is played everywhere, she shows up on my PC to constantly taunt me and I have nightmares about her flat ass. She's driving me crazy.

What do people see in this fraud? Why do record companies cater only to teens, tweens, hipsters, homosexuals and wimpy pussified men? What about me? Don't you want my money?

Or is it because you know we're too smart to waste our money on generic music?

I wish she would just go away...and take Max Martin with her.

Time for some Fats Waller.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Bar hopping, gambling, dining in fine restaurants, spending time with beautiful women...well, that's over now. It's time to hibernate until late March, when I can do it all over again.
Finished up my PS3 gaming, beat Grand Theft Auto V and sold the console and games. November 15 is coming up and I will be buying my PS4.
Sadly, no Watch Dogs. That was a game I was anticipating for months and now it might not show up until May for all I know. Looks like Knack and a bunch of PSN to start. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe something else I would have missed might hit a chord with me. I can tell you it won't be a shooter so cross out Killzone, Battlefield 4 or Call Of Duty: Ghosts. Probably will be AC4.
So some little studio in Mascouche, Quebec had issues with John Bain? Sadly, when you're an Internet celebrity on YouTube, you have a huge target on your back. This is just a desperate attempt at attention. They should be honored that their game got a "Impressions video" from him.
I haven't bothered to watch any TB reviews as of late, even with the comments hidden. I seem to be the only person on Earth bothered by people who wasted their entire summer watching YouTube videos and going to message boards talking about Glee or some other T.V. show. I feel there's a time and place for everything. O.K., now you can do it.
What kind of person would care what Jenna Marbles, the Whitney Cummings of YouTube, has to say? Is there anybody here who can explain to me why people care about her life?
See, my view is that we are all equal regardless of our station in life. However, more and more people nowadays are willing to worship other humans and that is simply wrong in my eyes. Worship a god, yes. Worship a flesh and blood human being? You'll never see me do that ever. I would rather die than bow down to any human being. All 7 billion of us are equal in my book. Sadly, it's a losing battle with the Beliebers. As Matthew Good said, "First World problems."
By the way, I prefer DailyMotion. Less censorship. Ugly looking site but they rarely take anything down. Why do you think Mark Bussler has it as a back-up? Oh yes, no comments from the typical that caused me to block them at YouTube.
That's it, I guess.